
Afterthought 124—Accidental Prophecy

Posted in sonnet by maggie on 2015/03/19

The charts to prove it will be placed inside
containers unfamiliar to routine
(your messenger whose face you haven't seen,
the one by whom his message sent — denied).
So word that should have been born will have died
before his time (your mystery machine,
its power lost, can nowhere intervene)
will every other option thrice have tried.

But everything will stop.  Even this sign
will blur until it blends into its page
(forgotten as if never read).  Then.  Mine
will be the only voice to come of age
just happening to perfectly align —
a miracle, an empty sky, a sage.

One Response

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  1. namelessneed said, on 2015/03/19 at 06:13

    good to hear you again

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