
Afterthought 158—Nicely So

Posted in nothing special by maggie on 2015/05/17

As though no corner where to sleep
As though no chair to think my own
As though no friend’s hand mine to keep
Since told leave you alone
— Nice

As though no prayers hopes to rhyme
As though no daydream not undone
As though no calling out of time
Since told leave you alone
— Nice

As though love’s promise played pretend
As though love’s kisses aged to stone
As though love quit its own dead end
Since told leave you alone
— Nice

Some songs any word will do
Some nights any dream must do to suffice
Some winds any voice echoes you
Sometimes it’s too nice

As though none of it mattered much anyhow
Not to you anyways — as though I’m no one
To you anyways — as though second chance we’ll not allow
Since told leave you alone
— Nice

As though become as made out to be
As though uncast, as though unknown
As though you’d never a thought of me
Since telling me leave you alone
— Nice

As though each breath breathes wasted waste
As though infinity’s all fills nothing’s none
As though my name leaves you foul aftertaste
Since telling me leave you alone
— Nice

As though I’m the cunt he saw you as
As though as swallowed as mechanically blown
As though “fuck you” its practiced meaning has
Since told damn it leave you alone
— Nice

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