
– alone

Posted in nothing special by maggie on 2009/07/08
- alone

my eyes are now near swollen shut
i should keep them so
- alone

more exposed than they had me at the clinic
more exposed than when i was informed
- alone

walls and windows and faces accelerating away
until i realize it's me rushing from it all
- alone

who and how and when and what i will do
and how it will be done and who will go with me
- alone

i should try to eat, i need my strength
nothing wants to even make the attempt
- alone

not the biggest regret of this most regrettable day but
i do regret having told
- alone

in the deepest pit of my empty stomach
in the hole caved in where my heart used to be
- alone

fears and conflicts and desires and choices and considerations
and the one live shadow swallowing it all whole
- alone

the one day i needed it most
ached to know a quiet touch inside the torrent
- alone

smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack
smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack
- alone

it is what i have always been
why should this get to be any different?
- alone

i have no floor plan
i have no company
- alone

i have to stop
i have to do this myself
- alone

calm again
i know what has to happen
- alone

- alone

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3 Responses

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  1. bindo said, on 2009/09/10 at 17:17

    Alone is all there is..
    I felt its truth
    See you on the other side
    Some day

  2. lady maggie said, on 2009/11/15 at 05:10

    nobody . told . me . it . would . hurt . like . this

  3. maggie said, on 2015/06/08 at 12:44

    Another curse aimed at me? It’ll work
    no better than the least you judged of me,
    my friends, my family and my poetry.
    Besides, why waste your skill on the worthless jerk
    you think me to have been? How can it irk
    you so, that I still treasure the perigee
    that brought me near you, while futility
    is what I mean to you, mere waste to burke?

    I’ll never curse you back. My love won’t quit
    no matter how you’d do it all again
    and still do, finding things in me to fault.
    Your friend remains immune to your assault
    against her, notwithstanding bile and bane
    your would-be-master tries to make of it.

Sincere comment by readers who accept responsibility for their words will earn my respect, my appreciation and my response.