
Afterthought 180—One Must Not

Posted in nothing special, terzanelle by maggie on 2015/04/14
          "One must never be angry about 
          how little they say is left." --Sara 
One must never be annoyed
over how little we've said gets left
behind to fill the void.
Nor must one be angered at the theft
of hours wasted, of tears spent
over how little we've said gets left.
Nor must one be puzzled how it went
down so quickly, with scarce a thought
of hours wasted, of tears spent.
Nor must one regret how we fought
to keep it alive long after it died,
down so quickly with scarce a thought.
Nor must one mourn our love's suicide.
One can only take pleasure hoping but
to keep it alive long after it died.
Our lights are out, our doors shut.
One must not recreate what's destroyed.
One can give and take pleasure hoping, but
one must not be annoyed.

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