
Afterthought 721—Triangulation Fugue

Posted in nothing special by maggie on 2016/01/28

Triangulate to get to me, if you must,
with his ice moon for point of reference,
then back up, wait to make your move
until you can make out what you will
to be heard enough to throw shadows,
not knowing that words unheard risk
nothing, how words unsaid are the sin,
but it works so long as nothing moves
out of your line of sight, undisturbed
by the usual business transactions.

Write me down for one of your marks.

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Afterthought 173—A Doppelgänger’s Complaint

Posted in sonnet by maggie on 2015/05/09

If I possessed such magic as might weave
vibrations through the wind such as dare dance
the stars through myths and legends we believe,
my spells would cast our night its own romance
in gold and silver circles wrapped in ice
as delicate as light's transparent veil
revealing word in love's most secret vice
and love retracing blood's worst wayward trail.  

I don't. The surest song I try to raise
falls flat, chokes on its bone, avoids
its own reflection, pastes in hoary grays
on grays, finds beauty in its hemorrhoids. 

Obloquy suits the ear, no?  Let each word
be child unknown, unwritten and unheard. 

Afterthought 175—High Calling

Posted in couplet, nothing special by maggie on 2015/05/01

As easily released as a breath
held back, conformable to death.

I along with his vision suspended
in his version, am apprehended.

At so early an end easily blinded
by perfection, thus minded.

By no strange coincidence's cross
of sin on sin, counted loss.

Afterthought 221—At My Desk

Posted in sonnet cycle by maggie on 2015/04/26
Before my light goes irreversibly dim
I wanted things arranged so you could find
your way around, since I, the undersigned,
yield you full access, subject to your whim —
books I hadn't time to even skim;
a sonnet cycle finished, set to bind
then send as promised; scraps I'll leave behind;
and if you meet my mentor, this for him. 

I gave up hopes I'd organize this mess
I'll leave things in — moleskines untranscribed,
stuff from doctors and bill collectors unfiled,
leftover dreams and visions uncompiled,
shots of my muse's whiskey left unimbibed.
Chaos, my most rigid thighs caress!


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Protected: Afterthought 151—Echolalia

Posted in sonnet cycle by maggie on 2015/04/03

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Afterthought 3—Under an Assumed Identity

Posted in sonnet by maggie on 2014/10/23

Maggie — undigested reflux caught in your throat,
a migraine's stabbing pain, a fatigue's aching throb,
dirt and pus bubbling from picking at a scar's clot.
Bruised children scream the crust of my name's scab
in vain prayers to absentee gods.  Naked ghosts howl
the retch of my autograph's mark left by whip and club.
Plagues of diseased insects descend when you call
for me.  Through floods of rats and debris you're swept
repeating sounds meant to damn souls to their hell.
Like foul wind rotting inside a decrepit crypt,
like blackened dry bone honed on sin's fierce lathe,
like dead air in an endless winter wrapped.
No more your voice itself with my name clothe
except to embrace the lover you most loathe.
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Protected: Overheard 89—Chord Progression

Posted in sapphics by maggie on 2013/11/12

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Protected: Overheard 88—Exhausted Ritual

Posted in sapphics by maggie on 2013/11/12

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Protected: Overheard 87—Won’t

Posted in sapphics by maggie on 2013/11/11

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